Posts tagged Steven Pinker
Lingering Over Good Writing

If you subscribed to #AcWriMoments — the 30-day series of daily writing prompts that I co-curated last month with Margy Thomas— you may recognize this image, which I’ve based on the gorgeous photograph of a yellow weaverbird building its nest provided by Steven Pinker as part of his Day 15 prompt, “Linger over good writing.”

Lingering over good writing (and encouraging other writers to do the same) is pretty much what I do for a living — so what better way to illustrate the technique than by lingering over Steve’s own #AcWriMoments contribution?

Taking a page from my own Day 26 prompt, “Write in color,” I’ve used colored pencils to spotlight some of the stylistic features in Steve’s work that I find worth savoring.


The first paragraph

The starting point for becoming a good writer is to be a good reader. Writers acquire their technique by spotting, savoring, and reverse-engineering examples of good prose.

Steve’s opening paragraph (like the sentence I am writing right now) makes two potentially risky grammatical moves: the first sentence contains the bland be-verb phrase “is to be” (highlighted yellow), and we find multiple -ing words (highlighted blue) across the two sentences. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with either choice. However, as a general rule, be-verbs lack the kinetic energy of more active, vivid verbs, while the suffix -ing can signal the presence of either a verb, noun, or adjective, depending on context; so unless you’re in full control of your syntax, a surfeit of -ings can end up messing with your reader’s brain!

Needless to say, Steven Pinker is in full control of his syntax and style. The is to be phrase in the first sentence functions as a kind of syntactical fulcrum, balancing the phrases a good writer and a good reader (highlighted in pink), while the second sentence uses the repeated -ings to good effect and leaves us in no doubt of Steve’s facility with active verbs (highlighted in orange): acquire, spot, savor, reverse-engineer.

Take a moment, too, to spot and savor the poetry in this passage: the alliteration of spotting and savoring; the assonance and consonance of reverse-engineering examples.

The second paragraph

Much advice on style is stern and censorious. A recent bestseller advocated “zero tolerance” for errors and brandished the words horror, satanic, ghastly, and plummeting standards on its first page. The classic style manuals, written by starchy Englishmen and rock-ribbed Yankees, try to take all the fun out of writing, grimly adjuring the writer to avoid offbeat words, figures of speech, and playful alliteration. A famous piece of advice from this school crosses the line from the grim to the infanticidal:

Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—wholeheartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings.

Moving a bit more quickly now, let’s ride the wave of these four splendid sentences, which roll us inexorably toward that famous “murder your darlings” quote by Arthur Quiller-Couch, a starchy Englishman if ever there was one. To fully appreciate their tidal flow — surging from 8 words to 22 and then 34 before ebbing back to 17 — I recommend that you read the whole paragraph out loud.

Here I’ve highlighted the verbs in orange, the adjectives and adverbs in yellow, the nouns in turquoise, and the colorful quotations from Lynne Truss (Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation) and Quiller-Couch (On Style, 1914) in purple.

You can see at a glance how carefully Steve has chosen and balanced every word and phrase — even (or especially?) the ones borrowed from other writers as negative examples.

The third paragraph

An aspiring writer could be forgiven for thinking that learning to write is like negotiating an obstacle course in boot camp, with a sergeant barking at you for every errant footfall. Why not think of writing as a form of pleasurable mastery instead, like cooking or photography? Perfecting the craft is a lifelong calling, and mistakes are part of the game.

Now the floodgates have opened, and the metaphors (highlighted in turquoise) come pouring in thick and fast. We’re carried through the bleak dystopian world of the first sentence, where learning to write resembles a particularly nasty kind of boot camp, to the utopian promise of the second, which offers us a vision of writing as “a form of pleasurable mastery instead, like cooking or photography.” By the final sentence, the word writing has disappeared, transmuted into a craft, a calling, and a game. (The maroon highlighting tracks the journey of writing from learning to doing to perfecting; the orange highlighting illuminates the key phrase at the heart of the paragraph).

Note the quickening rhythm as we’re drawn through the interminable obstacle course of the first sentence (30 words) and the questioning possibilities of the second (16 words) to the punchy promise of the third (15 words). A parallel shift in tone — from negative to hopeful to positive — can be tracked through the transition from third person (“an aspiring writer”) to second person (“barking at you”). By the time we reach the end of the passage, we know that the author isn’t just talking about writing; he’s talking to us.

The list

Though the quest for improvement may be informed by lessons and honed by practice, it must first be kindled by a delight in the best work of the masters and a desire to approach their excellence. Reverse-engineering good prose is the key to developing a writerly ear. Stylish writers, you’ll find, typically share a number of practices, including:

an insistence on fresh wording and concrete imagery over familiar verbiage and abstract summary;

an attention to the readers’ vantage point and the target of their gaze;

the judicious placement of an uncommon word or idiom against a backdrop of simple nouns and verbs;

the use of parallel syntax;

the occasional planned surprise;

the presentation of a telling detail that obviates an explicit pronouncement;

the use of meter and sound that resonate with the meaning and mood.

Good writing, Steve suggests here, is “kindled by delight.” In that spirit, I couldn’t resist using a rainbow of colors to highlight all the items on his list of stylish practices, as his own writing exemplifies every single one of them.

Thank you, Steve, for the examples and inspiration!

If you enjoyed this post, I highly recommend that you to read Steven Pinker’s book, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century, from which his #AcWriMoments prompt was adapted.

This post was originally published on my free Substack newsletter, Helen’s Word. Subscribe here to access my full Substack archive and get weekly writing-related news and inspiration delivered straight to your inbox.

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Writing and Rationality
Collage of pinking shears and pinked scraps of paper

I couldn't resist using a pair of pinking shears to create this paper collage, in homage to my recent WriteSPACE Special Event guest Steven Pinker, the Johnstone Family Professor in Psychology at Harvard University.

The English verb pink, which dates back to the 14th century, means "pierce, stab, make holes in."  But the purpose of pinking shears is not destructive -- quite the opposite.  The zigzag pattern of the blades prevents woven cloth from fraying and produces a decorative edge reminiscent of the common garden flowers called pinks.  

Steven Pinker's prose style, likewise, is incisive yet elegant, hole-punching yet healing, piercing yet humane.  Whether you know him as a distinguished psycholinguist, a fearless social commentator, a consummate prose stylist, or all of the above, I hope you'll be as pleased as I was that he gave up an hour and a half of his precious sabbatical leave to visit us in the WriteSPACE on May 4.

In the first 90 minutes of this live 2-hour Special Event, I engaged Steve in a wide-ranging conversation about his background and evolution as a writer, his personal and professional sense of style, and -- with a nod toward his most recent book, Rationality -- the role of rationality in academic and professional writing.  The final half hour featured a hands-on “reverse engineering” workshop inspired by his 2015 book, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century.  

Here are some comments made by last week's Virtual Writing Studio participants about the Pinking Shears collage, before I revealed that it had anything to do with Steven Pinker:

  • Marie (Texas, USA):
    Crafting, assembling, designing… Piece by piece, square by square, a mission is underway and a new world unfolds. We will wake up to a newly fashioned environment; not a moment too soon.

  • Nina (Brisbane, Australia):
    A wedding planner swimming! Karen Barad's agential realism uses the concept of "cut-together-apart."

  • Lorna (Scotland, UK):
    I like the jigsaw-like qualities of the pinked edges.

  • Lynne (Brighton, UK):
    The serration creates more edge surface on the blade, which concentrates its cutting power. Compacted, it does more.

  • Anita (Cape Town, South Africa):
    Snipping work into bite sized chunks is a strategy to move work forward.

  • Vicky (Essex, UK):
    It reminds me of how I edited my PhD -- I would restructure by printing out, cutting up, and sticking together.

  • Hussain (Indonesia):
    Lies against purple background with its mouth wide open from exhaustion.

  • Eva (Germany):
    Rethinking a journal article: the open scissors point different directions the article could go; the black frame for requiring a clear framework; and the paper fragments and flowers for playing around creatively with ideas.

  • Ramón (Melbourne, Australia):
    It’s a puzzle, any piece can be matched with any other. Since they are all the same form, there is not just one solution.

And here is WriteSPACE member Nina Ginsberg’s lively account of the live event:


I found the discussion between Helen Sword and Steven Pinker insightful and inspiring. A few standout ideas for me were Steven’s observations that most writers don't consult style manuals, they consume good prose and devote attention to why it is good, clear and affecting writing – and by default these people assimilate an inventory of good writing. Another gem was Pinker’s comment that at university, it is not the undergraduates that are the ‘bad writers’, but the (post)grads, because they are often drawing on jargon from a small clique of scholars and need to ‘prove their work’ so it is often very hedged and qualified (that's me!). As a teacher, I was impressed with Pinker’s generosity in sharing his Rationality class materials. This made me reflect on alternative ways scholars, teachers and writers can share their work beyond mainstream publication. 

A few other takeaways I garnered were: that Pinker avoids using parenthetical; he is conscious that every new equation included in a book ‘cuts the readership in half’; he harnesses the power of well-placed jokes, humour and concrete, relatable, witty examples to highlight specific concepts...and as always...he knows the importance of having a good ending to paragraphs. At one stage, Pinker mused about the many spatial and temporal contours of prepositions (you fill in a form, but also fill a form out) and that ‘up’ has a completion and vertical ‘sense’ about it...what Pinker called a ‘spectral sense’. I enjoy listening in to other writers ‘think out loud’ like this my favorite example of this is a private recording of Dr Oliver Sacks trying to find the right words as he writes.

*In my draft of this piece, I had this phrase originally in parenthesis, but took it out as a homage to Pinker, but then realized I needed parenthesis if I were to include this annotation in-text, so I popped it here. (Oh, the irony!) ...and there they are again. - argghh! I tried Steven! Your ideas on writing continue to challenge me! NG.

Later on, the conversation turned to Pinker's writing process. He outlined his 6-stage drafting process which included a brain dump, a ‘frankenchapter’ (a term I love and will be using with relish!), sending it his mum to read as she is his trusted go to non-academic reader-feedbacker, then after a few more drafts, he does one last, slow edit for reasoning at the end to improve the prose. To wrap up, Steven shared a few sample texts and explained the deliberate techniques he embedded in the writing and organization. This metathinking about how writers use words, logic and literary devices is what keeps me coming back to WriteSPACE events like this!  

A big thanks to Helen and Steven for sharing their time, expertise and ideas so generously. If you did not attend or have not yet watched the recording, make a cup of tea, get comfortable and enjoy this wonderful discussion about writing and rationality. 


And a big thanks to you, Nina, for sharing your comments! A video of my conversation with Steven Pinker is now available for members in the WriteSPACE Library.

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